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Argue the Toss

Debating and Public Speaking for the Classroom

Public speaking and reasoned disagreement are key skills for our students. In this half-day course, take away practical strategies for how to utilise debating and public speaking in your classroom to develop confidence and structured analytical thought in Key Stages 3, 4 and 5. See below for more details, or click to book.


Half-day online conference (9.30-12.30): £165.

Programme: Half-Day Conference

Save Your Spot

Presenter: Stuart Thomson

Stuart hails from Australia, where school and university debating is taken very seriously. He was a champion school debater, and then an international standard debater for the world's most successfully university debating society (the University of Sydney) as an undergraduate; he has been a professional debating coach and adjudicator for a number of schools and competitions. Since going into teaching, he has led debating as an extra-curricular activity for a number of leading schools, introducing new formats, increasing participation and building up teams to competitive national-ranking standards.

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