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Student Services

Programmes for Students & Individual Tuition

Image by Ugur Akdemir

Individual Tutoring

Oxford and Cambridge offer the best undergraduate education in the world; the UK's top universities rank at or near the top of the world's best by every metric. Taking your place should not be left to luck or anecdote: Reachfar's tutors have been involved in the process themselves, know what admissions tutors are looking for, and have an impressive track record of success. Give yourself the best possible chance to succeed! 


Use the contact form below, email, or call to book an introductory session.

School Competitive UCAS Support

Reachfar can work with pupil groups on high aspirations for university and life post-school. Single-day sessions  work well for whole year-groups or selected/self-selected groups. Longer programmes can be put in place to support a group of students through the process. 


Get in touch to discuss options and pricing using the form below. 

Image by Felicia Buitenwerf

Study Skills Workshops

Student workshops focused on effective goal-setting, time-management, and study skills. Backed by evidence, presented in engaging, effective ways by experienced and entertaining speakers. Available as a half- or full-day course.


Use the form below to ask for more details and find out about availability and pricing.

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